Vines Per Acre Calculator

To use how many grape vines per acre calculator, enter your row spacing and vine spacing in feet, enter 8 for 8-foot row spacing and 6 for 6-foot grape vines spacing.

The calculator shows the total vines per acre, area per vine, and confirms your input measurements.

Vines Per Acre Calculator

Enter distance between rows in feet
Enter distance between vines in feet

Row Spacing (feet)Vine Spacing (feet)Vines Per AcreCalculation
841361(43,560 ÷ (8 × 4)) = 1361
105871(43,560 ÷ (10 × 5)) = 871
632420(43,560 ÷ (6 × 3)) = 2420
126605(43,560 ÷ (12 × 6)) = 605
741556(43,560 ÷ (7 × 4)) = 1556
95968(43,560 ÷ (9 × 5)) = 968
108544(43,560 ÷ (10 × 8)) = 544
86907(43,560 ÷ (8 × 6)) = 907
115792(43,560 ÷ (11 × 5)) = 792
88680(43,560 ÷ (8 × 8)) = 680

Vines Per Acre Formula

Vines Per Acre = Square Feet Per Acre ÷ (Row Spacing × Vine Spacing)


  • Square Feet Per Acre: 43,560 sq ft
  • Row Spacing: Distance between rows in feet
  • Vine Spacing: Distance between vines in feet
  • Area Per Vine: Row Spacing × Vine Spacing
Vines Per Acre = 43,560 ÷ (Row Spacing × Vine Spacing)


  • 43,560: Fixed square feet in one acre
  • Row Spacing: Distance between vine rows (ft)
  • Vine Spacing: Distance between vines in row (ft)

For 8-foot row spacing and 6-foot vine spacing:

Area per vine is 8 × 6 = 48 sq ft. Vines per acre is 43,560 ÷ 48 = 908 vines.

How to Calculate How Many Vines Per Acre?

To calculate vines per acre, first multiply your row spacing by your vine spacing to get square feet per grape vine. Then divide 43,560 (square feet per acre) by this number.

With 10-foot row spacing and 5-foot vine spacing, multiply 10 × 5 = 50 square feet per vine, then divide 43,560 ÷ 50 = 871 vines per acre.

Using 6-foot row spacing and 4-foot vine spacing: 43,560 ÷ (6 × 4) = 1,815 vines per acre.

With 9-foot row spacing and 6-foot vine spacing: 43,560 ÷ (9 × 6) = 806 vines per acre.

Using 7-foot row spacing and 5-foot vine spacing: 43,560 ÷ (7 × 5) = 1,245 vines per acre.

What is Vines Per Acre?

Vines per acre is a measurement used in vineyard planning that determines the total number of grapevines or other climbing plants that can be planted in one acre of land based on specific row spacing and vine spacing. This calculation is crucial for vineyard layout, irrigation planning, and estimating yields.

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