SWG to MM Calculator – Convert Standard Gauge to Millimeters
To convert enter SWG (Standard Wire Gauge) number in input field of SWG to MM calculator, SWG 16 = 1.626 mm, SWG 18 = 1.219 mm, SWG 20 = 0.914 mm.
The calculator will display converted diameter in millimeters.
SWG to MM Calculator
SWG Converted to | mm |
1 | 11.600 |
2 | 10.640 |
3 | 9.700 |
4 | 9.000 |
5 | 8.100 |
6 | 7.200 |
7 | 6.500 |
8 | 5.900 |
9 | 5.400 |
10 | 4.900 |
11 | 4.500 |
12 | 4.000 |
13 | 3.700 |
14 | 3.400 |
15 | 3.100 |
16 | 2.800 |
17 | 2.600 |
18 | 2.400 |
19 | 2.300 |
20 | 2.100 |
21 | 1.900 |
22 | 1.800 |
23 | 1.650 |
24 | 1.500 |
25 | 1.400 |
26 | 1.300 |
27 | 1.200 |
28 | 1.100 |
29 | 1.000 |
30 | 0.950 |
31 | 0.900 |
32 | 0.838 |
33 | 0.800 |
34 | 0.750 |
35 | 0.700 |
36 | 0.650 |
37 | 0.600 |
38 | 0.558 |
39 | 0.500 |
40 | 0.450 |
SWG to MM Conversion Formula
MM = SWG Reference Table Value
Inches = MM ÷ 25.4
- SWG: Standard Wire Gauge number
- MM: Diameter in millimeters
- 25.4: Millimeters per inch
For 16 SWG: Diameter = 2.64 mm (0.104 inches).
How to Convert SWG to MM?
To convert SWG to MM, use the standard conversion table values and formula Inches = MM ÷ 25.4. For example, 14 SWG equals 3.25 mm.
10 SWG: Diameter = 4.88 mm (0.192 inches). 20 SWG: Diameter = 1.22 mm (0.048 inches). 30 SWG: Diameter = 0.356 mm (0.014 inches).
What is SWG and MM?
SWG (Standard Wire Gauge): SWG is a traditional British system for measuring wire diameter. Lower numbers indicate thicker wires (e.g., 4 SWG = 8.64 mm), while higher numbers indicate thinner wires (e.g., 30 SWG = 0.356 mm).
MM (Millimeter): A millimeter is a metric unit of length equal to one-thousandth of a meter. In wire measurement, it represents the diameter of the wire. For example, 1 mm is commonly used in electrical applications, while 0.5 mm might be used in electronics.