Rabbit Gestation Period Calculator
Rabbit gestation typically lasts 28 to 35 days, choose breeding date from rabbit gestation calculator date picker. This is the date when your bunny was bred.
The calculator will provide, Pregnancy Test Date, Nesting Box Date, Expected Due Date Range, and Weaning Date.
Rabbit Gestation Calculator
Species/Breed | Gestation Period (Days) | Average Litter Size |
Domestic Rabbits (General) | 30-32 | 4-12 |
European Rabbit | 30-31 | 4-8 |
Dwarf Breeds | 29-31 | 2-6 |
Giant Breeds | 31-33 | 8-12 |
Cottontail Rabbit | 28-30 | 3-8 |
Angora | 30-32 | 5-8 |
Rex | 30-31 | 6-10 |
Rabbit Gestation Formula
Due Date = Date of Mating + Gestation Period (days)
- Total Gestation Period: 30-33 days
- Pregnancy Test: Breeding Date + 14 days
- Nesting Box: Due Date – 5 days
- Weaning Period: Birth Date + 28 days
- Breeding Date: Start of pregnancy
- Minimum Gestation: 30 days
- Maximum Gestation: 33 days
- Palpation Check: 14 days after breeding
- Nesting Setup: 5 days before due date
- Weaning Duration: 28 days after birth
For breeding date January 1:
Pregnancy Test: January 15 (1 + 14 days)
Nesting Box: January 26 (January 31 – 5 days)
Due Date Range: January 31 – February 3 (30-33 days)
Weaning Date: March 2 (February 3 + 28 days)
How to Calculate Rabbit Due Date?
- Start with the breeding date
- Add 30-33 days for the due date range
- Add 14 days for pregnancy test timing
- Subtract 5 days from earliest due date for nesting box
- Add 28 days to birth date for weaning timeline
If breeding occurred on January 1st:
- Schedule pregnancy test for January 15th
- Install nesting box by January 26th
- Expect kindling between January 31st – February 3rd
- Plan weaning around March 2nd
How long after nesting does a rabbit give birth?
A rabbit typically gives birth about 2-3 days after actively starting to build her nest. When you see the following signs, birth is usually imminent:
- Pulling fur to line the nest
- Gathering hay/straw in mouth
- Becoming restless
- Showing nesting behavior
Most does will kindle (give birth) in the early morning hours, typically between 2 AM and 6 AM.
What is Rabbit Gestation?
Rabbit gestation is the pregnancy period from breeding to kindling (birth). It lasts 30-33 days, making rabbits one of the most efficient breeding domestic animals. The relatively short gestation period allows for multiple litters per year.