Inequality to Interval Notation Calculator

Enter your mathematical inequality using standard notation in inequality to interval notation calculator. Accepted input formats include single inequalities like x > 2, x < -3, x ≥ 0, x ≤ 5, and compound inequalities such as -3 < x < 4 or -1 ≤ x ≤ 1. The calculator also accepts reverse order like 2 < x or -3 ≥ x.

The calculator processes the inequality and converts it to interval notation.

Inequality to Interval Notation Calculator

Enter inequalities using >, <, ≥, ≤ (e.g., x > 2, -3 < x ≤ 4)
InequalityInterval NotationDescription
x > a(a, infinity)Greater than a, not including a
x >= a[a, infinity)Greater than or equal to a
x < b(-infinity, b)Less than b, not including b
x <= b(-infinity, b]Less than or equal to b
a < x < b(a, b)Between a and b, not including a or b
a <= x <= b[a, b]Between a and b, including both
a <= x < b[a, b)Between a and b, including a but not b
a < x <= b(a, b]Between a and b, including b but not a
x != c(-infinity, c) U (c, infinity)All real numbers except c
All real numbers(-infinity, infinity)No restrictions on x

Inequality to Interval Notation Formula

  • x > a(a,∞)
  • x ≥ a[a,∞)
  • x < a(-∞,a)
  • x ≤ a(-∞,a]


  • a = Lower boundary value
  • b = Upper boundary value
  • ( or ) = Exclusive boundary (not included)
  • [ or ] = Inclusive boundary (included)
  • = Infinity (always uses parentheses)
For inequality 2 < x ≤ 5: The left bound 2 < x becomes (2, the right bound x ≤ 5 becomes 5], resulting in interval notation (2,5]. For x ≥ -3, the inequality converts to [-3,∞).

How to Convert Inequality to Interval Notation?

  • Identify the type of inequality symbols (>, <, ≥, ≤)
  • For less than (<): use parenthesis ()
  • If less than or equal to (≤): use square bracket []
  • For greater than (>): use parenthesis ()
  • If greater than or equal to (≥): use square bracket []
  • Always use parenthesis with infinity (∞)

To convert -2 ≤ x < 3, first identify the boundaries (-2 and 3) and the inequality types (≤ and <). The left inequality (≤) uses [, the right inequality (<) uses ), resulting in [-2,3).

What is Inequality and Interval Notation?

An inequality shows the relationship between expressions using special symbols (<, >, ≤, ≥). These symbols represent “less than,” “greater than,” “less than or equal to,” and “greater than or equal to.” For example, x > 3 represents all numbers greater than 3, while x ≤ 0 represents all numbers less than or equal to 0.

Interval notation is a mathematical way to represent ranges of numbers using brackets and parentheses. Square brackets [ or ] show the endpoint is included (equivalent to ≤ or ≥), while parentheses ( or ) show the endpoint is not included (equivalent to < or >). For example, [2,5] includes all numbers from 2 to 5, including both 2 and 5, while (0,∞) represents all positive numbers.

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