CFS to GPM Calculator – Convert ft3/s to gal/min
Enter your flow rate in cubic feet per second (CFS) in our CFS to GPM calculator. For example, enter 2 for 2 CFS or 0.5 for half a cubic foot per second.
The calculator shows both your input CFS value and the converted GPM value.
3 cfs to gpm: GPM = 3 × 448.831 = 1346.49 gpm
5.5 cfs to gpm: GPM = 5.5 × 448.831 = 2468.57 gpm
0.8 cfs to gpm: GPM = 0.8 × 448.831 = 359.06 gpm
Cubic Feet per Second to GPM Calculator
Flow Rate (CFS) | Flow Rate (GPM) | Conversion Formula | Calculation |
1 | 448.831 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 1 × 448.831 = 448.831 |
2 | 897.662 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 2 × 448.831 = 897.662 |
3 | 1346.493 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 3 × 448.831 = 1346.493 |
4 | 1795.324 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 4 × 448.831 = 1795.324 |
5 | 2244.155 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 5 × 448.831 = 2244.155 |
10 | 4488.31 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 10 × 448.831 = 4488.31 |
15 | 6732.465 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 15 × 448.831 = 6732.465 |
20 | 8976.62 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 20 × 448.831 = 8976.62 |
25 | 11220.775 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 25 × 448.831 = 11220.775 |
30 | 13464.93 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 30 × 448.831 = 13464.93 |
35 | 15709.085 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 35 × 448.831 = 15709.085 |
40 | 17953.24 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 40 × 448.831 = 17953.24 |
45 | 20197.395 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 45 × 448.831 = 20197.395 |
50 | 22441.55 | GPM = CFS × 448.831 | 50 × 448.831 = 22441.55 |
Cubic Feet per Second to GPM Formula
GPM = CFS × 448.83
- CFS: Input flow rate in cubic feet per second
- 448.83: Fixed conversion factor
- GPM: Result in gallons per minute
This is because 1 cubic foot = 7.48052 gallons and there are 60 seconds in a minute.
For 1 CFS: Multiply 1 × 448.83 = 448.83 GPM.
For 2.5 CFS: Multiply 2.5 × 448.83 = 1,122.08 GPM.
How to Convert Cubic Feet per Second to GPM?
To convert from CFS to GPM, multiply your CFS value by 448.83. For example, to convert 3 CFS, multiply 3 × 448.83 = 1,346.49 GPM.
Converting 5 CFS to GPM: 5 × 448.83 = 2,244.15 GPM.
For 10 CFS: 10 × 448.83 = 4,488.30 GPM.
For 0.75 CFS: 0.75 × 448.83 = 336.62 GPM.
What’s Cubic Feet per Second and GPM?
Cubic feet per second (CFS) is a measurement of water flow rate commonly used in large-scale applications like rivers and industrial processes.
Gallons per minute (GPM) is a flow rate measurement typically used in smaller-scale applications like household plumbing and irrigation systems. Both measure the same thing (flow rate) but use different units for different scales of operation.